Home > Anal Fissures

Effective Natural Treatment for Anal Fissures
(Anal Fissure Healing Protocol)

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Essential Oil Suppositories

Goat Milk Soap

Super Salve

Dietary Support

Sphincter Massage

Colon Cleansing


Essential Oil Suppositories    |    Goat Milk Soap    |    Super Salve
Dietary Support    |    Sphincter Massage    |    Colon Cleansing


How To Overcome Anal Fissures

Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC discusses anal fissures and the home protocol she has developed to help her clients overcome them.



Client Testimonial

"I have been using your products and your advice and it's been life-changing! Thank you so so much. I made my own suppositories with the fissure essential oils. I used them for about two weeks, and they were gone. Totally amazing."    ~ V. Tanner  

Client Testimonial

anal canal

"I just wanted to let you know that I used your anal fissure healing method to deal with my anal fissure and hemorrhoids. It worked perfectly and much faster than I expected. I am pain-free for the first time in years! Wow, I can't believe something so simple like an enema along with some essential oils could be so powerful. I am overjoyed. I also just wanted to thank God for my healing and using you and your wisdom as an instrument of healing. Thank you so much for what you do!

Also, I am presently still doing daily enemas just to make sure of my healing. Part of my problem I have discovered is that it is not just the physical stress of hard stools that causes the fissure to "flare up" but also the chemical action of being perpetually "leaky". I have an underlying issue of a narrow "high-tension" sphincter muscle which makes it very hard to make a totally clean elimination and so I end up secreting more stool throughout the day and it aggravates the fissure chemically and causes itching and bleeding.

I have found that a daily enema is the only way I can have a totally clean elimination at this point and thus be free from anal fissure pain. I am fine with just doing an enema every day after dinner. I find that a high-volume enema every day gives me more energy and helps me sleep better. Thanks again for your help! God bless you and all you do!"    ~ Ron G.  

The Optimal Health Network has worked to assist many people to overcome their anal fissures. Given that we know just how painful anal fissures can be, we want you to begin healing as quickly as possible. In our clinical interactions with clients, we have observed that our anal fissure treatment program outlined below is effective for most people. Most will see initial progress within 3 to 7 days, and significant healing within a month. If the healing program is continued, most will see a complete healing from an anal fissure.

Anal fissures are tears in the anal canal, usually caused by overstretching the anus. Anal fissures can also be caused by irritable bowel, Candida albicans, chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or any other biochemical imbalance that leaves the anus inflamed. Fissures occur in both men and women and at all ages. The prime symptom of an anal fissure is pain, which is often extreme. This pain occurs during, and for minutes to hours after, defecation. Bright red blood is also a common symptom of anal fissures.

home anal fissure kits

Many people find it hard to heal from anal fissures and are faced with surgery. In my professional experience, I have found that anal fissures can always heal without surgery. By following a meticulous regimen of bowel habits and dietary changes, you can heal. Unfortunately, the common advice involving high-fiber diets, fiber supplements, stool softeners, medicated creams, and plenty of fluids does not always work, leaving many people feeling hopeless and opting for needless surgery.

Surgery for anal fissures does not address the cause of the anal fissure. In addition, when you cut into a portion of the internal anal sphincter, you are likely to diminish your ability to control your bowel movements as you age.

Kristina's Ten Days to Optimal Health Program

Here at the Optimal Health Network, we offer lifestyle support that will help you to increase your awareness of what your body needs in order to remain healthy. We do this by asking you to live differently for ten days at a time. After this ten-day period, some healing has occurred, and you are inspired to continue your treatment for fissures for another ten days. By tackling this program ten days at a time, you are provided with the tools to build a healthy relationship with your body and achieve your desired level of health. What causes you to feel great? What environmental stimuli cause you to feel sick, bleed, or be in pain? Why are you unable to sit in a chair? Why do you feel like surgery is your only option? With this program, you don't feel overwhelmed because you see it working for you. Your pain is diminishing. Laid out in my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, this 35-day program consists of a series of wellness activities that can be completed in the privacy of your home or with the help of a colon hydrotherapist.


photo of purple sky

Anal Fissure Healing Protocol

coconut oil for suppositories

1. Using Essential Oil Suppositories to Treat Anal Fissures

An essential oil suppository using coconut oil as a carrier oil is a therapeutic delivery system that is inserted into the rectum, where it melts and offers healing to the rectal area. Regular use of suppositories to deliver targeted essential oils is a useful addition to a home enema program if you struggle with anal fissures.

How To Make Coconut Oil Suppositories

Our Anal Fissure Suppository Kit includes a suppository tray, coconut oil, and a special blend of essential oils: Roman chamomile, lavender, myrrh, geranium, ylang ylang, frankincense, cypress, and tea tree. This blend of oils can be very effective in regenerating the skin, restoring elasticity, preventing infection, and reducing bleeding and inflammation.


Drug delivery research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has shown that because the colon is highly absorptive, suppositories have several advantages over other delivery methods, including increasing bioavailability to absorbable tissue, bypassing first pass metabolism, the ability to deliver higher doses of drug or therapeutic essential oils, and avoidance of irritation to the gastric mucosa. Furthermore, suppositories can deliver treatments and drugs to produce both local and systemic impact.

Super Salve for Anal Fissures

2. Frankincense and Myrrh Goat Milk Soap

We recommend that you keep the area around the fissure clean by bathing it daily with this soap!


Goat milk contains high levels of butyric acid, which occurs naturally in the colon as an energy source for cells. It reinforces the colonic defense barrier by increasing production of mucins and antimicrobial peptides. Therefore, low levels of butyric acid can contribute to health problems like Crohn's Disease and IBS.

INGREDIENTS: Saponified oils of *coconut, *cocoa butter, *olive, *sunflower; goat milk; water; sodium hydroxide; essential oils of frankincense, myrrh, and nutmeg.

*Organic Ingredient

Super Salve for Anal Fissures

3. Super Salve

Super Salve is the most effective salve that we have used to treat anal fissures. Antibacterial and antifungal, it nourishes and heals the tissues of the anus. Use this salve multiple times per day on the anus.

Super Salve is our recommended all-natural nozzle lubricant for colon cleansing with home enemas.

INGREDIENTS: olive oil, organic chaparral leaf, organic comfrey leaf, organic echinacea flower, organic hops, organic usnea moss, organic bee's wax, cocoa butter, vitamin E and almond oils, and essential oils of cajuput, lemon grass, lemon, lavender, and tea tree.)


NOW MSM 1000 mg

4. Dietary Support Treatment for Fissures

Maintaining daily regularity, maximizing tissue support, and minimizing anal stretching are the optimal conditions for curing your fissure issues. For these reasons, we recommend the following supplements:

MSM is a metabolite of DMSO and is a naturally occurring source of sulfur. MSM is a safe and naturally effective solution for inflammatory conditions and for healing tissues. Most people notice a distinct healing of their anus within a day or two of taking MSM orally.

BUY NOW MSM 1000 mg

Reacted Magnesium is a form of magnesium which promotes soft, type 4 stools, optimizing the functioning of the colon to end any irritation to the anus.


5. Anal Massage To Support Fissure Healing

If your sphincter muscles are too tight for an extended period of time, the tension and lack of blood flow to the anal area can cause a fissure to form, or make it difficult for an existing fissure to heal. Research has shown that by loosening (relaxing) these muscles, anal sphincter massage can play a large part not only in helping to relieve constipation, but also in healing and preventing anal fissures.


enema series

6. Colon Cleansing Treatment for Fissures

Sometimes poor healing of anal fissures is due to stretching and irritation of the anus by the pressure and contents of the stool, so colon cleansing can be tremendously helpful in these cases. By clearing out the entire colon using enemas during the first days, weeks, or perhaps months of your fissure, you can increase the speed of your healing and prevent the tender anal area from tearing again. The information you need to do the colon cleansing is detailed here:


However, colon cleansing may not be the optimal healing path for everyone. While some people, in the first days of anal fissure treatment, will take a daily enema series in order to give the rectal area a break from defecation to allow the anal area to heal, this approach may not work well in all circumstances. Although colon cleansing can relieve constipation and improve the health of your microbiome, frequently inserting a nozzle into the rectum can irritate sensitive anal fissures. So for many people, I recommend waiting to do home enemas until a fissure has healed, or avoiding enemas all together and focusing on the suppositories, salve, soap, and supplements detailed above.



By Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC
I-ACT-Certified Colon Hydrotherapist
Certified Nutritional Consultant

DISCLAIMER: The material presented on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or prescribing from a licensed healthcare professional. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment, or care, or starting any diet, exercise, cleansing, or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention.

How To Make Essential Oil Suppositories

Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC provides step-by-step instructions on how to make coconut oil suppositories with therapeutic essential oils. She discusses the benefits of essential oil suppositories and health challenges which can be supported, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, candida overgrowth, prostatitis, BPH, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and more.

Kristina Amelong

▶︎ Need more detailed guidance in healing anal fissures?

Personal Health Consultations with
Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC

For personalized support with your home health program, I would be happy to assist via a scheduled phone consultation. I charge an affordable $2.25 per minute, for as many or as few minutes as you need!

First complete any relevant sections of my secure online intake form. Upon submitting the form, you will be prompted to schedule a consultation time with me via my online booking system.

If you are an international client who would like to use WhatsApp for your scheduled consultation, please email us for instructions on how to contact me at the time of your consultation.

Read my Reviews
Read my Reviews
rating summary


Anal Fissure Essentials Kit Anal Fissure Essentials Kit

This kit contains all the essential products that Kristina recommends to help heal anal fissures naturally without surgery. Two suppository tray options.

Sale Price: $149.99
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Deluxe Anal Fissure Healing Enema Kit Anal Fissure Enema Kit - Deluxe

To assist you in your anal fissure program, we have put together a deluxe kit for overcoming anal fissures, including enema series supplies.

Sale Price: $227.00
Free Shipping
Basic Anal Fissure Healing Enema Kit Anal Fissure Enema Kit - Basic

This anal fissure kit, which includes enema series supplies, has helped many of our clients overcome anal fissures naturally without surgery.


Sale Price: $189.00
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Anal Fissure Kit Refill Anal Fissure Kit Refill

This refill kit contains 1 each of all products within the Basic and Deluxe Anal Fissure Kits that need to be refilled after about 45 days.

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Anal Fissure Suppository Kit Anal Fissure Suppository Kit

To assist you in your anal fissure program, we have put together a suppository kit for overcoming anal fissures. Two tray options.

Sale Price: $73.00
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Rounded 21 Cube Suppository Tray Rounded 21-Cube Suppository Tray (Large Diameter)

Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 21 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum.

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Rounded 20 Cube Suppository Tray Rounded 20-Cube Suppository Tray (Small Diameter)

Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 20 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum.

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Coconut Oil Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - 12 fl oz

Coconut oil can be both a liquid and solid, which makes it the perfect carrier oil for essential oil suppositories, facilitating the absorption of other oils.

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Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend OHN Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend - 15 ml

This essential oil blend supports regenerating the skin, restoring elasticity, preventing infection, and reducing bleeding and inflammation.

Sale Price: $84.99
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Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend OHN Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml

This essential oil blend supports regenerating the skin, restoring elasticity, preventing infection, and reducing bleeding and inflammation.

Sale Price: $60.99
Free Shipping
Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend OHN Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend - 5 ml

This essential oil blend supports regenerating the skin, restoring elasticity, preventing infection, and reducing bleeding and inflammation.

Sale Price: $31.99
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OHN Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend OHN Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml

This essential oil blend is beneficial to your colon health, supporting healthy gut bacteria and strengthening overall immunity.

Sale Price: $25.99
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Kristina Amelong's Ten Days to Optimal Health Ten Days to Optimal Health: A Guide to Nutritional Therapy and Colon Cleansing

This is Kristina Amelong's step-by-step guide to nutritional therapy and colon cleansing. It includes important self-help strategies for those who want to take responsibility for their own health and well-being.

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Goat Milk Enema Soap Frankincense and Myrrh OHN Goat Milk Enema Soap - Frankincense and Myrrh

This is a highly therapeutic soap to use during your enema series or in your bath or shower.

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Ortho Reacted Magnesium 60 Capsules Ortho Reacted Magnesium - 60 capsules

Magnesium is the number one mineral that Americans are deficient in. Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help treat constipation and other health challenges.

NOW MSM 1000 mg - 240 capsules NOW MSM 1000 mg - 240 capsules

MSM provides safe, effective support for arthritis, anal fissures, acne, and many other conditions, and supports overall joint andhealth.

Free Shipping
Ortho Reacted Magnesium 180 Capsules Ortho Reacted Magnesium - 180 capsules

Magnesium is the number one mineral that Americans are deficient in. Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help treat constipation and other health challenges.

Ortho MSM 900 Capsules 180 Ortho MSM 900 - 180 capsules

Ortho MSM 900 is an effective healing supplement to use in a colon implant with aloe vera juice and olive oil or in a suppository with essential oils.

Super Salve Plastic Jar 6 oz Super Salve - Plastic Jar - 6 oz

Super Salve is our recommended all-natural lubricant for colon cleansing with home enemas. It is antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-fungal.

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Super Salve - Metal Tin - 4 oz Super Salve - Metal Tin - 4 oz

Super Salve is our recommended all-natural lubricant for colon cleansing with home enemas. It is antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-fungal.

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