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3-Step Enema Series:
What If I Don't Have Enough Time To Do the Full Protocol?

lavender field

Enemas for Constipation Relief

Single Cleansing Enema

Enema Alternatives


The 3-Step Enema Series is one of our most recommended healing and wellness protocols. For many years we have seen excellent results in clients using this program to help overcome chronic colon issues, detoxify the body, relieve constipation, support the prostate, or improve health in many other ways.

goat milk enema soap

The basic protocol consists of three back-to-back enemas containing the following therapeutics:

▶︎ View Full Instructions for 3-Step Enema Series

As a professional colon hydrotherapist, I recommend the enema series as the most effective way to cleanse the colon and broadly support health.

Benefits of Each Enema in the Series

Sometimes, due to time restraints, or in some cases physical limitations, one may not have the ability to do an entire enema series. For most people, the full 3-step process takes about one hour. If you don't have that much time or physical ability, what do you do? Is it okay to do a partial enema series?

The answer is definitely yes! Each enema in the series benefits the body in different ways, and while doing all three enemas back to back is optimal, it’s also okay to adjust the protocol to fit your needs.

coffee enemas

Enemas To Relieve Constipation or Cleanse Before a Coffee Enema

Sometimes you may just need quick constipation relief, and are not necessarily interested in doing a coffee enema. If that's the case, you can do just the first enema in the series, or just the first two, and skip the third one.

If you're wanting to do a coffee enema, it is best to do at least one cleansing enema beforehand, or at the very least, do the coffee enema directly following a bowel movement. It's important never to do a coffee enema while the colon is full of stool. Stool contains toxins, discarded hormones, and other unwanted substances, and because the primary action of the coffee enema is to allow the coffee solution to be absorbed into the portal vein and to help detoxify the liver, you don't want to reabsorb the contents of the waste sitting in the lower colon during the process. You want to first cleanse that waste from the colon with at least one enema.

▶︎ How To Take a Coffee Enema

Single Cleansing Enema

If you're not prepping for a coffee enema and don’t have time for the full series, that's okay! You can do either of the first two enemas in the series as a single cleansing enema.

If doing a single enema, typically I recommend the goat milk soap enema, because the butyric acid in the soap is the primary food source for the cells that line the colon and is therefore extremely beneficial to colon health.

If you're doing coffee enemas frequently, but only want to do one cleansing enema each time, you could also alternate the first two enemas in the series as the cleansing enema before each coffee enema.

Enema Alternatives

Finally, there are a couple of other options if you feel that enemas in general are not something that you want or need to do.

If you want to raise your glutathione levels and support the detoxification of your liver and gallbladder without doing enemas, I recommend doing regular coconut oil suppositories with OHN Coffee Enema Essential Oil Blend. The oils in this blend are very effective at raising the body's glutathione levels. Additionally you can take a glutathione supplement such as RN Tri-Fortify Liposomal Glutathione.

If you need constipation relief and do not plan to do enemas, my Bowel Management Program is a great way to support your bowel and relieve constipation without using harsh laxatives. This protocol consists of three supplements: Ortho Molecular Reacted Magnesium, C-RLA Liposomal Vitamin C, and Endo-Met GB-3.

Enema Series: Time-Saving Alternatives

Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC discusses how to use essential oils and supplements if you don't have time to take the full enema series. Feel free to reach out to us for more support!


It's okay to adjust my recommended health protocols to fit your needs. Always remember to listen to your body and do what feels best for you. The enema series is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their health. If you have any questions, you can email us at customerservice@ optimalhealthnetwork.com, call us at (608) 242-0200, or schedule a phone consultation with me.

▶︎ Learn More about 3-Step Enema Series

DISCLAIMER: This material is presented for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or prescribing from a licensed healthcare professional. We make no claim or guarantee for cure or relief of any specific symptom, medical condition, or disease when using any of the products or protocols referenced here. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment, or care, or starting any diet, exercise, cleansing, or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention.

By Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC
I-ACT-Certified Colon Hydrotherapist
Certified Nutritional Consultant

Kristina Amelong

▶︎ Need more detailed guidance in improving your health through a home enema program?

Personal Health Consultations with
Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC

For personalized support with your home health program, including taking enemas, I would be happy to assist via a scheduled phone consultation. I charge an affordable $2.25 per minute, for as many or as few minutes as you need!

First complete any relevant sections of my secure online intake form. Upon submitting the form, you will be prompted to schedule a consultation time with me via my online booking system.

If you are an international client who would like to use WhatsApp for your scheduled consultation, you can find me on the app at +1 608-242-0200.

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