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Herbs and Supplements: Colon Cleanse Support

We recommend the colon clease support supplements on this page for integration into your healthy lifestyle.

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▶︎ If you aren't sure which supplements would most benefit you, we recommend taking a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test to help you determine your body's current nutrient and mineral levels and ratios. An HTMA is a valuable screening tool and includes a complimentary 15-minute consultation with Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. This testing package allows a dietary and supplement protocol to be designed to meet your specific needs.

Liquid Bentonite - 16 oz Liquid Bentonite - 16 oz

This liquid bentonite works like a magnet to bind and eliminate unwanted substances and toxins in the body.

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This product is available via phone order only. Please call (608) 242-0200 to order.

NOW Liquid Chlorophyll - 16 oz NOW Liquid Chlorophyll - 16 oz

Liquid chlorophyll improves the effectiveness of a coffee enema. Drink 4-8 teaspoons of liquid chlorophyll thirty minutes before starting the enema.

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NOW MSM 1000 mg - 240 capsules NOW MSM 1000 mg - 240 capsules

MSM provides safe, effective support for arthritis, anal fissures, acne, and many other conditions, and supports overall joint andhealth.

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NOW Organic Psyllium Husk Powder - 12 oz NOW Organic Psyllium Husk Powder - 12 oz

NOW Organic Psyllium Husk Powder is an excellent source of soluble fiber.

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OHN 5-Day Fasting & Detox Kit OHN 5-Day Fasting & Detox Kit

5% OFF through 2/13 - The OHN 5-Day Fasting & Detox program is Kristina Amelong CCT, CNC's recommended detoxification protocol.

Sale Price: $104.49
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OHN Constipation Relief Kit OHN Constipation Relief Kit

Based on Kristina's comprehensive Bowel Management Protocol, this kit includes four supplements that work together to optimize bowel function and relieve constipation.

Sale Price: $189.99
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Ortho Core Restore Kit 7 Day Cleanse Vanilla Ortho Core Restore 7-Day Colon Cleanse Kit (Vanilla)

The Ortho Core Restore Kit is designed to help restore normal healthy detoxification and elimination functions.

Ortho Core Support French Vanilla 490 Grams Ortho Core Support - Vanilla - 490 grams

Ortho Core Support is a supplement included in the Core Restore Colon Cleanse Kit and is used to extend the liver and colon detoxification program beyond 7 days.

Ortho PhytoCore 20 Capsules Ortho PhytoCore - 120 capsules

Ortho PhytoCore is a supplement included in the Core Restore Colon Cleanse Kit and is used to extend the liver and colon detoxification program beyond 7 days.

Ortho Reacted Magnesium 60 Capsules Ortho Reacted Magnesium - 60 capsules

Magnesium is the number one mineral that Americans are deficient in. Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help treat constipation and other health challenges.

Ortho Reacted Magnesium 180 Capsules Ortho Reacted Magnesium - 180 capsules

Magnesium is the number one mineral that Americans are deficient in. Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help treat constipation and other health challenges.

Protocol For Life Balance Chlorophyll Protocol For Life Balance Chlorophyll - 90 capsules

Chlorophyll improves the effectiveness of a coffee enema. Take 4-8 chlorophyll capsules 30 minutes before starting the enema.

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Standard Process Gastrex - 90 capsules Standard Process Gastrex - 90 capsules

Gastrex® supports digestion and stimulates cleansing of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Standard Process MediHerb Wormwood 1:5 Standard Process MediHerb Wormwood 1:5

Wormwood supports a healthy intestinal environment.

Vit-Ra-Tox Colon Cleanse Kit Vit-Ra-Tox Colon Cleanse Kit

The Vit-Ra-Tox cleansing program is the recommended detoxification program in Kristina Amelong's Ten Days to Optimal Health program.

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Hair Tissue
Mineral Analysis

If you aren't sure which supplements would most benefit you, we recommend taking a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test to help you determine your body's current nutrient and mineral levels and ratios. An HTMA is a valuable screening tool and includes a complimentary 15-minute consultation with Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. This testing package allows a dietary and supplement protocol to be designed to meet your specific needs.

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