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Ortho Turiva - 60 capsules
Ortho Turiva Turmeric Supplement

Turiva, a turmeric supplement, offers a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that helps support normal inflammatory balance and strengthen immune reserves.

▶︎ Per manufacturer policy (learn more), this product is available via phone order only. Please call or text (608) 242-0200 to order.


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Turiva is a full-spectrum turmeric product that contains an exclusive blend of bioactive nutrients. It is a natural turmeric matrix standardized to contain curcuminoids, turmeric oils, and turmerin protein, along with many other active turmeric compounds that deliver comprehensive support.

Clinical Applications:

  • Maintains normal inflammatory balance
  • Supports microbiome diversity
  • Potent antioxidant action
  • Enhances and balances immune function

Turiva offers a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that help support normal inflammatory balance and strengthen immune reserves. The Complete Turmeric Matrix (CTM) formula provides comprehensive benefits and supports healthy breathing, cognitive function, gut and immune function. The molecular structure of CTM contributes to its bio-efficacy and maximizes its pleiotropic effects, making it an essential support to balance various biochemical pathways in our body. The Complete Turmeric Matrix is unique to Ortho Molecular Products where bio-efficacy is maintained as the ultimate focus in driving patient outcomes.

Ingredient Benefits:

Whole-root turmeric and its active components have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. As demonstrated historically, the whole root provides far greater therapeutic benefit than just one isolated compound of turmeric. The Complete Turmeric Matrix delivers the full-spectrum health benefits of the whole turmeric root, with no excipients or other additives.

SUGGESTED USE: 1 capsule per day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Turiva ingredients


Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC


Per manufacturer policy, all Ortho Molecular products must be purchased within the context of an established practitioner/patient relationship. We cannot sell these products online outside of such a relationship.

If you are an established OHN patient who has ordered Ortho Molecular products from us in the past, please call or text us to place your order. We are happy to assist you in completing your order promptly!

If you are interested in these products but are not an established patient with OHN and don't have your own doctor, please click here to schedule an initial health consultation by phone with Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. Affordable per-minute rates!

▶︎ Learn More about Personal Health Consultations

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