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Ortho Spore IG - 90 capsules
Ortho Spore IG - 90 capsules

This spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic formula is designed to promote a healthy gut microflora, protect mucosal integrity, and relieve small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

▶︎ Per manufacturer policy (learn more), this product is available via phone order only. Please call or text (608) 242-0200 to order.


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Ortho Spore IG™ is a spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic formula designed to promote a healthy gut microflora, protect mucosal integrity, and relieve small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Uniquely included in this formula are serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins that bind to and eliminate microbes and toxins that are common in SIBO.

SIBO is a condition that occurs when there is an overabundance of commensal bacteria from the colon present in the small intestine. The health of the small intestines relies on balanced microbiota, and probiotics and immunoglobulins can contribute to that balance by having a positive influence on the intestinal environment, including pH, organism diversity, and immune signaling.

Probiotics have been extensively studied and are characterized as having broad GI and immune benefits. Probiotics are live organisms and must be shelf stable through the expiration date, so they can be precisely delivered to the intestinal tract to have maximum benefit. Bacillus spores remain dormant in harsh environments until they reach more favorable environments like the human gastrointestinal tract. The combination of specific strains, particularly Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus clausii, and Bacillus subtilis, relieve symptoms for common GI complaints and reinforce healthy gut function.

In the search for innovative ways to improve microbiome diversity, we have combined our blend of spore-forming probiotics alongside immunoglobulins uniquely shown to bind to bacteria and toxins, driving immune response. IgG helps to maintain a healthy intestinal immune system by binding a broad range of microbes and toxins within the gut lumen.

Clinical Applications:

  • Helps maintain normal gastrointestinal balance
  • Provides concentrated immunoglobulins to enhance mucosal immunity
  • Supports digestion and micronutrient absorption
  • Maintains GI barrier health and integrity

Ingredient Benefits:

Bacillus coagulans has been shown to increase the commensal GI microbiota. B. coagulans also significantly improved bowel movements in healthy adults with occasional constipation, as well as decreased abdominal discomfort.

Bacillus clausii is commonly used as a probiotic to promote balance in the microbiome and has showed promising results in individuals with SIBO.

Bacillus subtilis has been shown to relieve GI distress in patients.

Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins: Broad-spectrum binding capabilities demonstrate the positive influence of serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins. This binding and elimination decreases microbe and toxin encounters by the immune system and resets immune tolerance.

SUGGESTED USE: 3 capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Spore IG ingredients


Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC


Per manufacturer policy, all Ortho Molecular products must be purchased within the context of an established practitioner/patient relationship. We cannot sell these products online outside of such a relationship.

If you are an established OHN patient who has ordered Ortho Molecular products from us in the past, please call or text us to place your order. We are happy to assist you in completing your order promptly!

If you are interested in these products but are not an established patient with OHN and don't have your own doctor, please click here to schedule an initial health consultation by phone with Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. Affordable per-minute rates!

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