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Ortho Reacted Multimin - 120 capsules
Ortho Reacted Multimin 120 Capsules

▶︎ Per manufacturer policy (learn more), this product is available via phone order only. Please call or text (608) 242-0200 to order.


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120 capsules

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Numerous studies have reported that adequate mineral levels play an essential role in supporting optimal health by supporting bone, muscle and cardiovascular health. It is a challenge for most individuals to consume the perfect variety of minerals through their daily diets and maintain mineral balance. Supplementation of a high quality daily multimineral may provide benefit for those wishing to meet their recommended daily requirements of important macro-minerals and trace minerals.

Reacted Multimin provides an ideal balance of highly-absorbed minerals combined with the benefits of betaine HCl to prime digestion and improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Reacted Multimin provides mineral amino acid chelates in optimal ratios to help the body maintain mineral balance and avoid competition between minerals for absorption.

Clinical applications:

  • Provides broad-spectrum mineral support for a variety of protocols
  • Supports any bone-building protocol
  • Increases skeletal strength and promotes healthy bone density

Suggested Use: 4 capsules in divided doses per day or as recommended by your health care professional

Multimin ingredients


Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC


Per manufacturer policy, all Ortho Molecular products must be purchased within the context of an established practitioner/patient relationship. We cannot sell these products online outside of such a relationship.

If you are an established OHN patient who has ordered Ortho Molecular products from us in the past, please call or text us to place your order. We are happy to assist you in completing your order promptly!

If you are interested in these products but are not an established patient with OHN and don't have your own doctor, please click here to schedule an initial health consultation by phone with Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. Affordable per-minute rates!

▶︎ Learn More about Personal Health Consultations

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Much better sleep January 27, 2023
Verified Purchase
Anonymous Customer
I was skeptical at first but holy moly do I sleep so much better now that my minerals are back to the right range

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