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Living Fuel User's Guide

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Living Fuel

What is Living Fuel?


The Living Fuel Nutritional Program

Living Fuel Recipe Suggestions

What is Living Fuel?

Living Fuel is an optimized super-food meal replacement. Living Fuel provides complete Building Blocks and Fuel for the body, brain, and every cell in a nutrient-dense restricted calorie format. Most people, including professional athletes, find that they can thrive on one serving of Living Fuel for up to three to six hours, depending on their activity level. Each serving of Living Fuel has more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, more fiber than oatmeal, more friendly bacteria (probiotics) than yogurt, more protein than a half dozen egg whites, and more greens, cofactors, vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, and other phytonutrients than a basket of fruits and vegetables, plus omega-3 essential fatty acids and selected herbs (see nutrition facts).

Living Fuel contains virtually every known nutrient and is designed to be hypoallergenic and to have a low glycemic response. It is a blend of the earth's most potent organic, wildcrafted, and all natural foods that have been optimized with the most bio-available and usable nutrients and co-factors in existence, including stabilized probiotics for healthy intestinal function, herbs to enhance major body systems, antioxidants to protect against free radical damage, vitamins and minerals to optimize the naturally occurring vitamin and mineral profile of the foods, amino acids to optimize the naturally occurring amino acid profile of the plant proteins, and a custom enzyme complex to maximize the delivery of nutrients to the body.


Living Fuel is:

  • Hypo-allergenic
  • Endurance-enhancing
  • Strength-building
  • Weight-optimizing
  • Anti-aging
  • Pleasant tasting, organic, wild-crafted, and all natural
  • Complete balanced nutrition
  • Enzymatically alive
  • Potent antioxidants and herbs
  • Complete protein complex including 10 essential amino acids, precursors, and enzymes
  • A powerful detoxifier
  • Enhanced with essential fatty acids
  • Ideal for vegetarians
  • A replacement for supplements
  • Able to satisfy hunger and cravings

Living fuel has:

  • No GMO
  • No irradiation
  • No pesticides
  • No herbicides
  • No sugar
  • No soy protein
  • No wheat
  • No gluten
  • No yeast
  • No dairy
  • No whey
  • No egg
  • No nuts
  • No maltodextrin
  • No preservatives
  • No fillers
  • No artificial flavors
  • No artificial colorings
  • No hydrogenated oils


Living fuel was created to feed the needs of every cell and organ in the body. In today's society people are simply not getting their nutritional needs met. This can be clearly seen by the rampant illnesses in our society including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc. Poor food quality, excessive exposure to toxic chemicals, and a high-speed lifestyle combined with poor adaptation to high stress levels are key reasons for the problems seen.

Today there do exist a number of nutritional drinks that provide a vast improvement over the nutritional intake that most people are getting. However, these drinks are deficient in many of the nutritional elements required. In addition, they simply do not taste good to a sufficiently large part of the population. On the other hand there are a vast array of nutritional supplements capable of providing a portion of an individual's nutritional needs. The concept of providing a combination of the traditional nutritional drink (including green drinks) with a complete array of nutritional supplements is a foundational principal of Living Fuel.

Our goal then in creating Living Fuel was to create a drink that would appeal to a much wider population and which would address a much greater range of nutritional requirements. At the same time we wished to address the issue of excessive toxic chemicals in our food supply and environment. This meant, for example, that the majority of ingredients in living fuel would be grown organically and without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Our underlying premise is that health begins with the consumption of organic/Non-GMO nutrient-rich whole foods (actually 84% by weight of Living Fuel is in this category). Ideally these foods would be in the category of super foods. That is, foods with a high proportion of essential nutrients, yet low in toxic chemicals, anti-nutrients and excessive sugar and simple carbohydrates. Recent research and clinical studies have shown that a diet relatively high in protein, low in simple carbohydrates and containing reasonable amounts of essential fatty acids and medium chain triglycerides is a very healthful diet. We have not yet included medium chain triglycerides in Living Fuel (but we are working on it), and for this reason we suggest that whenever possible you take your Living Fuel servings with either fresh or shredded coconut or coconut oil.

In the design of this type of product there are a number of tradeoffs that need to be considered. These include quality, taste, completeness, usability, cost, volume, shelf life and safety. Living Fuel has been meticulously created from the beginning to be of the highest quality (using organic, Non-GMO, wildcrafted, and all-natural sources). We have also made taste a very important consideration - if it doesn't taste good then only a small handful of people will take it regularly. Of course, it is important that the product be readily usable; if it's readily usable then people will take it on an ongoing basis.

We have worked very hard to make Living Fuel as nutritionally complete as possible so that a person could actually live on the product for extended periods of time. The question of safety was involved in the selection of every ingredient in Living Fuel. Shelf life has been handled by the inclusion of oxygen and moisture absorbers in the product as well as the production of the product in small batches on a frequent basis. Because of our desire for completeness, product volume is relatively large but not excessive. Interestingly, because of the above considerations, cost seemed to be the least important design influence. In fact, we are amazed at the amount of nutrition one gets from Living Fuel for a meal replacement cost of about $5.50.

The Living Fuel Nutritional Program

The human body is a myriad of complex chemical reactions requiring a constant flow of raw materials. Unfortunately, the typical American diet, which promotes dairy, grains, sugar, and processed and refined foods, does not provide the proper amounts of raw materials and often unnecessarily introduces toxins into the body. Such a diet, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to a number of health-related challenges. The only way to achieve optimal health is to give your body everything it needs while avoiding nutritional and lifestyle hazards. Living Fuel delivers that level of nutrition. Feeling Good is a Great Motivator!

A complete and balanced diet is critical to obtaining optimal health. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet ("SAD") is high in dairy, grains, sugars, and processed foods. SAD is neither complete nor balanced. As a result, most people tend to get in the habit of eating only a handful of foods over and over again, and they make little attempt to experience other foods. Many of these "preferred" foods tend to be problematic at the outset, and some cause food intolerances and health consequences over time. Beyond the health benefits of rotating good foods, your tastes tend to change over time and it is a good idea to regularly try new foods.

The Living Fuel Nutritional Program (which is one aspect of the Living Fuel Lifestyle Program) is not about replacing foods you love with boring foods. It is about replacing destructive foods that you love with healthy foods that taste great and are good for you. People enjoy the variety of foods on this program and do not need to be hungry.

The Living Fuel Nutritional Program is designed for today's average person. In fact, those people who gain tremendous benefits, such as increased energy, strength, endurance, and weight loss, are not "perfect" and do not necessarily adopt all the nutritional recommendations at one time. People who generally do not eat well are likely to gain the most from adopting even small pieces of this program. The greater the adoption, the greater the benefit.

Experts Agree That Everyone Benefits from Outstanding Nutrition The Living Fuel Nutritional Program is for people who are serious about improving their health and performance regardless of their current health status, from the health challenged to world-class athletes. Experts agree that virtually everyone can benefit from outstanding nutrition.

For Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians

Even if you are a vegetarian, the Living Fuel Nutritional Program can work for you. Many if not most vegetarians do not get enough complete protein, because eating strictly vegetables does not supply all ten essential amino acids, cofactors, and certain other vital nutrients the body requires (remember, grains are not vegetables and should be avoided by most people). Vegetarians would replace all 11 meats with high-quality (non-grain or soy) plant protein plus essential supplementation. Living Fuel is ideal because it provides the required protein, essential nutrients, and cofactors. For meals where Living Fuel is not being used, vegetarians can supplement their meals with essential amino acids or brown rice and yellow pea protein powders essential nutrients and cofactors. Organic eggs are also extremely nutritious and are acceptable to many vegetarians.

Outstanding for Athletes

Living Fuel provides building blocks and fuel for strength and endurance athletics. The combination of ideal plant proteins with virtually every known nutrient including powerful antioxidants provides for maximum performance, sustained energy, and rapid recovery. Living Fuel and Living Fuel Shots are currently being used as pre, during, and post performance fuel by amateur and professional athletes in tennis, football, basketball, triathlons (including Ironman), and other sports.

Counting Calories is Not Beneficial

Many people mistakenly believe that tracking calorie content is the best way to determine their nutritional needs. However, calories are a poor measure in determining which kinds and what amounts of foods to eat. Essentially, a calorie is a unit of energy, and metabolism is far more complex than how much energy a food can produce. Judging foods by how many calories they contain does not take into consideration 1) how much energy is being used to digest the food eaten, 2) how much of the food is being used in the constant breaking down and rebuilding processes of the body, 3) the quality of the food and how much of the food remains undigested and is excreted by the body, and 4) how compromised the digestion system is.

Balance, Nutrient-Density, and Low Glycemic Response is the Key

While you should consider calories when you practice an optimal nutritional program, you also need to be aware of what the body gets after digestion occurs. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to thrive and even build muscle mass on 800-1200 calories per day without hunger and cravings, even for athletes.Rather than calorie content, the most important considerations in optimal nutrition should be having the right balance and nutrient density covering the spectrum of body's requirements, combined with a low glycemic response (avoiding sugars and things that cause your blood sugar to rise quickly).

That's why the nutritional aspect of Living Fuel is a low calorie, nutrient dense diet that delivers everything the human body needs in a restricted calorie format [a Living Fuel meal replacement shake contains only 225 calories]. Such a diet is also known as a CRON (Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition) diet.

CRON has Extended Lifespan in Every Species Studied

Over 2,000 medical studies support the conclusion that CRON diets can increase lifespan by as much as 30-50%. In humans, that would mean living between 120 and 150 years. While no one can guarantee a lifespan of 120 years or beyond, the bottom line realistic goal should be to expand your vital years to be younger longer, not older longer. CRON diets have been shown to greatly enhance life span in every species in which it has been studied. As recently as Monday June 3, 2002, the Wall Street Journal ran a front-page article reiterating the above, reporting that scientists now believe there is overwhelming evidence that CRON diets can dramatically extend lifespan and quality of life.

A High Performance CRON Diet

Living Fuel is unique from typical CRON diets, because unlike fasting and severe calorie restriction, it satisfies hunger and cravings and every nutritional need of the body. People on the Living Fuel Nutritional Program do not experience the body-wasting effect, which typically occurs during severe calorie restriction, nor does the Living Fuel Nutritional Program involve counting calories. Living Fuel provides generous amounts of nutrient-dense, high quality living foods while minimizing or eliminating the intake of damaging foods. For many people, this nutrient density results in weight optimization, not just weight loss. In fact, the only people who appear to lose weight on this program are those who need to lose weight. We have seen overweight individuals lose between two and five pounds per week on this program until they achieve their optimal weight. They report successfully maintaining their new ideal weight while continuing the program . We have also seen underweight individuals on the exact same regimen gain weight. Professional and amateur athletes are using this program to enhance energy, strength, and endurance.

The Program Outline

The following guidelines are designed to give you optimum results on the Living Fuel Nutritional Program. Remember, this is not an all or nothing program. Adopt only what you can today. As you experience results and your motivation increases, you can adopt more lifestyle guidelines that best suits you.

Drink LOTS of fresh purified or spring water (one quart per 50 lbs. of body weight per day). Do not drink distilled water or water in cloudy plastic containers. Realize that drinking this amount of water may drain vital sodium out of your body; therefore, it may be a good idea to add a touch of salt to some of your drinking water (not to the point of creating a salt water taste), or if you prefer add a modest amount to your food. Celtic Sea Salt or Real Salt brand mineral sea salts are the best to use. If you cannot find either of these, iodized sea salt is acceptable. Avoid standard table salt because it contains harmful aluminum and sugar.

Those who drink water exclusively experience the best results; however, occasional drink alternatives can include organic herbal teas (dioxin and caffeine free) served hot or cold, lemon water, or lemonade sweetened with Stevia or Mannitol. Stevia and Mannitol are excellent natural sweeteners with virtually NO glycemic index. If you choose to have a sweet tasting beverage, it's best to do so with food. Drinking a sweetened beverage on an empty stomach or without food is not advisable, because in reaction to the sweet taste the human body makes enzymes in anticipation of food. If the food is not forthcoming, those enzymes can actually burn fuel and trigger hunger.

Change your breakfast; change your life. Breakfast is the meal where most people make the biggest nutritional mistakes, ranging from not eating anything to eating sugars, grains, dairy based, or fried foods. Don't let the breakfast food paradigm force you into making poor breakfast choices. It is nutritionally proper to eat lunch and dinner foods for breakfast (i.e.: left-over chicken or steak and salad from dinner ). The goal is to get protein, healthy fats, and fiber-carbs at every meal.

Foods to eat on the program include:

Eat a variety of salads, green vegetables, and bright colored (above ground) vegetables. Some good choices include Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, Mixed Greens, Asparagus, Green Beans, Peppers, Cucumbers, Brussel Sprouts, Barley Greens, Radishes, Onions, etc. These vegetables deliver the most nutrition when they are raw, juiced, or slightly steamed, as cooking decreases the nutrient quality. You will want to make vegetables and Living Fuel the foundation of your diet; therefore, consider eating three to four times as many of the above mentioned vegetables as you do your protein source at each meal.

Eat Eggs from organically raised free range or free roaming hens that are not grain fed. Look for high DHA on the label. Buying organic eggs is important, because processed or "tricked-chicken" eggs, where farmers trick the chickens into laying more eggs by using lights 24/7, are not as nutritious. A natural free roaming hen lays approximately 80 eggs per year, whereas a tricked chicken lays over 250 eggs per year. Don't be afraid to add more eggs to your diet. Eating eggs does not increase blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, eat only eggs that have been prepared with low heat, such as soft boiled, poached, over easy, lightly scrambled, etc. If your eggs have been burned, DO NOT EAT THEM! Eat Organic Chicken, Organic Turkey, Wild Game, and some cold water Fish.

WARNING: Testing shows that unsafe levels of mercury and other pollutants contaminate most fish; therefore, you may want to limit your fish intake and take a high quality fish oil supplement daily.

If you choose to eat fish, the best fish to consume due to their higher levels of the essential fats EPA and DHA are Pacific Salmon, Summer Flounder, Tilapia, Haddock, and Sardines. Other great protein sources are Beef (grass-fed), Beans (limit beans if you are trying to lose weight), and Living Fuel (vegetarians can replace meats with Living Fuel). Soups, Broths, and Stews are also good as long as their ingredients are consistent with the above. Eat organic foods whenever possible. If you are not eating organic foods and grass fed meats then you should strongly consider taking a high quality fish oil supplement together with a natural vitamin E supplement to prevent oxidation.

Have a snack strategy and inventory on hand. Great snack choices are salads, above ground raw veggies, soft-boiled eggs, raw nuts and seeds [walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, Cocochia, coconuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds] or a Living Fuel shake. Again, eat organic whenever possible.

Learn ways to balance a negative with a positive. Recognize that there are only two reasons why people should eat and at least three reasons why we actually do. The two essential reasons are for Foundation (building blocks) and Fuel. The third reason why people eat is for Fun. In actuality, most people are not going to give up eating for fun, so the trick is to discover those fun foods that are the least destructive to health. It is also important to learn how to reduce the negative impact some of these fun foods have on the human body. For instance, if you choose to consume a high starch meal, a sweet dessert, or an alcoholic beverage, then have a very large dark green salad and other greens beforehand, or a Living Fuel shake. It is also helpful to drink water with lemon or have vinegar on your salad. These things help to slow down the pace at which sugar enters your bloodstream, thereby reducing the harmful insulin response from the concentrated sugars.

Foods to avoid. The foods to avoid are sugar and things that turn to sugar quickly after eating. This includes all grains, syrups, pasta, potatoes, white rice, oatmeal, breads, and cakes. A good rule when considering these types of foods is "If it's white, it ain't right." This rule is generally accurate, but realize that cauliflower, radishes, onions, and some other foods that are great for you are exceptions to this rule. Regular consumption of sugar and high glycemic foods cause chronic hyper insulin, which is the root cause of most diseases of aging.

Also avoid snack foods, desserts, most fruits, soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit juices, sweet drinks, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. If you must have a drink or juice or other "bad carbohydrate," then treat each such food or drink as if it were a dessert and govern yourself accordingly. Avoid all artificial sweeteners.

Drastically minimize or avoid all dairy products unless you get them right from the farm prior to the pasteurization process ( eggs are NOT dairy). Avoid soy products because soy is not healthy for most people due to its anti-nutritional properties (unless it is fermented soy such as miso or tempeh), and 98% of the soy crop worldwide is genetically altered, which has been shown to have negative health consequences. Avoid all junk food, french fries, any fried foods, pizza, or margarine (organic butter and butter from grass fed cows are very nutritious).

The foods to avoid are the majority of foods that most people eat and by their nature are highly addictive. This part of the program may require some "won't power" at first. However, realize that you will be making better choices and learning new habits. Most people overcome their unhealthy cravings and food addictions to coffee, dairy, grains, and sugar after only two to six weeks on the program.

Once you start eating the healthy foods, you'll realize that there are a tremendous number of food combinations you can make. When you want to expand your foods selections, the Optimal Health Center has an excellent grain-free cookbook with numerous recipes Remember, eat all you need (of the right foods mentioned above), and you should be able to thrive on this program without hunger and cravings.

Living Fuel Recipe Suggestions

As a full meal replacement (especially helpful to those on the run), put 2 scoops (a scoop is included in the canister) of Living Fuel in a 20 oz or more container and add 16 oz or more of a combination of water; dilute organic fruit juice (one to two ounces of almond, oat, and rice work well if you add a touch of juice. Shake vigorously (by hand or in a blender) and enjoy! For an awesome taste treat add to this some organic berries/fruit (we love strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, and apple) and perhaps a little desiccated coconut, and then mix in a blender.

The most frequently asked question in regards to Living Fuel is "How does it taste?" Most people find it hard to imagine that Living Fuel could actually taste good, especially when you consider the unequaled level of Krebs-cycle bionutrients, botanical extracts, and other strong tasting nutrients in each serving. Nevertheless, when you find the right recipe you will love it. You will particularly love the way it makes you feel.

When you drink Living Fuel with only water, it may take a few days to grow accustomed to its flavor. People have described the taste of Living Fuel with water as everything from awesome to awful, yet even the individuals who initially did not like the taste but continued to take it have grown to love it. My four-year-old daughter likes to have the Living Fuel powder put into a coffee bean grinder to grind the chia seeds prior to mixing with water; however, many people get a similar soothing effect from using a high-speed blender. There is a recipe that you will enjoy.

Basic Recipe

For a complete and balanced meal, the basic recipe is to mix one serving (two scoops) of Living Fuel with at least 16 ounces of water or lemon water.