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Fountain Style Rubber Enema Bag Kit
Fountain Style Enema Bag Kit
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This 1.5-quart fountain style bag is a basic, easy-to-use, easy-to-clean, wide-neck enema bag. It comes with an enema nozzle and a douche nozzle, a hose, a clamp, and a hanger.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Enema bag September 23, 2022
Verified Purchase
Rob from Las Vegas, NV United States
I like this product that is why i am a repeat customer ,thank you

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Enema for Gas July 6, 2014
Verified Purchase
Anonymous Customer
Enemas work for gas.  I can't remember how many times I have gotten off work with so much gas there was no way I could possibly sleep when I got home.  An enema or two can work wonders when it comes to getting relief from colon gas.  A person will not probably expel all of their gas with the enemas.  Just make sure you engage in proper posture after the enemas so the gas can easily flow thru your colon. Lay on your side (my left side usually works best) after an enema or lay on your tummy.  While laying on your tummy rub your descending colon straight down to speed the flow of gas thru your colon.  Sometimes you have to be patient because gas way up in your colon can take time to get into your rectum.

Gas is such an embarrassing subject people do not talk about it.  I read about using enemas for gas in a book written by a doctor.  I believe most people do not know how to get relief from stubborn gas.

I hope this information helps someone.

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